Carrie here again. As you will notice, Tom isn't much of a writer! Most of the time he is standing over my shoulder saying "write this and this and how about this!".....So, I will be doing most of the writing while Tommy does all of the art. With that being said, onto my post...
A shame I tell you!! So Tommy does the maintenance on our apartment building. He received a call from our landlord that an apartment on the tier next to ours needed to be painted. OK cool. He paints apartments all the time. No big deal right? Well, he opens the door to this apartment and sees the walls he was just hired to paint. Well, any artist would look and say "OH NO!" These are the walls he has to paint:

He walked into the apartment and the walls are COVERED in art. Art of all sorts! One of the bedrooms has flowers and vines and some butterflies. But, the main room has a huge octopus. It was not 100% finished yet. If this wasn't a property owned by the bank, Tom would have most definitely finished the mural. What a great apartment to advertise to a fellow artist right? How many apartments can you find with art work like this on the walls? But since it is bank-owned, the rules are that everything has to be painted WHITE! Yep, just white. No color what so ever. So it is breaking Tommy's heart to paint over this work of art!!! The rumor is that this is the former apartment of a well known tattoo artist in the area. Along with the original art on the walls, Tom has found various, smaller projects around the unit. Yesterday he brought me home and small block of wood with a crazy drawing on it (along with a Miami Vice Soundtrack Cassette Tape!!), a piece of pressboard with a painting on it and a few smaller items!!
So you see fellow artists, even when you pack up your home and move away, your art is still there to be cherished by someone!
Good Bye for now! Keep Creating!